Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pilates for Hiking

Snow soaked ground, warm sunshine, and a high mountain breeze weaving the Ponderosa and Douglas Fir, carry me along a trail that glistens like a river. I am moving, breathing, and alive. Going by foot allows us to slow down, to be present, to connect with our world and ourselves. Whether your thoughts are quiet [Read More…]…

Snowshoeing & Pilates Cross-training

To explore a pristine path through the wilderness, a path that has no tracks. My cheeks sting as I trek a snow covered trail that sparkles like diamonds. Heart beating fast, breath setting the tempo for each step. Snow crunches like sugar beneath my snowshoes. Branches laden with snow, bow into archways. Like a child [Read More…]…

7 Pilates Tips for Snow Shoveling

With three feet of fresh powder in Evergreen and still falling, many of you have a shovel in hand. For those of you still inside cozy and warm, here are a few tips for protecting your back while shoveling. According to one study, the L5/SI region of the spine has been identified as the weakest [Read More…]…

Ski Conditioning & Pilates

What does it take to be a powerful, smooth, energy-efficient skier? A skier with rhythm and flow, gliding seamlessly from one turn to the next? Just about any skier can become an energy-efficient gliding machine. To be smooth and yet powerful, to feel that your skis are an extension of your body, requires core-centered movement. [Read More…]…

Keeping your Studio Thriving!

If you are a studio owner or plan to be, you will wear many hats. In addition to being a teacher, you are a manager of resources and people. There are checks to write, hours spent updating your website, Facebook page, writing newsletters, proofing ads, recruiting and training teaches, scheduling and maintaining client accounts, making [Read More…]…

Pilates for Skiers

The exhilaration of soaring down a mountainside over a blanket of sparkling white snow, surrounded by pristine evergreens and an endless blue sky inspires millions of people to ski every year. It’s no small reward for countless hours spent in the car, in lift lines, and on bristling cold lift rides to the top of [Read More…]…