I like routine. The consistency, predictability, and order of it. But last week instead of going to the studio to teach, I scrambled to move furniture in my living room and worked obsessively to create an online LIVE streaming studio. By Friday, my candle had burned hot and fast. I was melting! I no longer had my routine. Tomorrow all of us parents and some grandparents become home educators. As a former homeschool mom, I know this can be daunting. How will you adapt to your new routine and take care of yourself?
Last week I issued everyone a Spring Challenge to take the best care possible of yourself.
That means exercising, eating healthy foods, resting, and connecting with friends and family. Now through the end of May, please join me for Spring Challenge. You can use the Spring Challenge Worksheet as a checklist to stay on track. At the end of May, we’ll have a big party, hopefully, a LIVE one, and a virtual one too! You can also join our FB Spring Challenge Support Group.

If you need some guidance and support, please join me for coffee on Facebook LIVE this Monday at 11:30am.
Use the following address in your streaming software.
Please continue to be part of our community. Foward this email to your family and friends. Help our community to grow. You have no idea how much your support means to us! We love you!